
Zynga Scroller

Accelerated panning and zooming for DOM and Canvas

Zynga Scroller has no dependencies to other JavaScript libraries.



iScroll 4

iScroll 4 is a complete rewrite of the original iScroll code. The script development began because mobile webkit (on iPhone, iPad, Android) does not provide a native way to scroll content inside a fixed width/height element. This unfortunate situation prevents any web-app to have a position:absolute header and/or footer and a scrolling central area for contents.

While latest Android revisions are supporting this functionality (although support is not optimal), Apple seems reluctant to add one finger scrolling to divs.

In addition to all previous iScroll features, version 4 introduces:

  • Pinch / Zoom
  • Pull up/down to refresh
  • Improved speed and momentum
  • Snap to element
  • Customizable scrollbars

Please note that iScroll 4 is not a drop-in replacement for iScroll 3. The APIs have changed.

Also consider that the script is still in beta, and some APIs may slightly change.

